Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Cold Breeze

cardigan - lindex / top- second hand / jeans - primark / plimsolls - primark

Hey guys, 

This is quite casual outfit and I'm wearing jeans. I bought them two or three years ago and it is perhaps just one of the few times when I decided to put them on. You can see the snow in the background but this is because these pictures were taken a few weeks ago. That day was also windy. Finally, all snow melted!

What's more, I'm selling some of my clothes in this website : http://overthemoon.bigcartel.com
You can check it if you're interested, if not that's absolutely fine.  and for readers from my country here

Have a great week! x

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Easter Lunch

Some pictures from Easter. I spend it eating loads of food and sweets and playing board games with my sister and my niece. Sadly, it snowed again and I didn't took a proper picture of my outfit.It was very similar to last year's but I will wear it again and took a picture when the spring comes.  And  then on April first we had like April Fools prank, because there was even more snow.
However,  I hope you all had a lovely Easter! xxx